Sunday, February 27, 2011

GDC 2011 Diary: Day 0

Not a whole heck of a lot to report today. Set out today with my suitcase in hand, and one short flight and a taxi ride later I'm checked into a beautiful hotel in San Francisco.

For one week, I live like a messy king

Before the sun went down though, I walked over to the building where GDC will be held just to make sure I could find it. I registered and got my pass as well as a bunch of crap in a bag. Some of it is interesting, like this game development magazine, but most of it is just ads for various useless junks.

Tomorrow is the first day of the event proper and I'll be clocking in at 10:00 AM to head to the Game Design Workshop I signed up for. It goes 'till 6:00 PM and there's a part two on Tuesday, so I honestly have no idea what to expect in such a large amount of time. I may duck out early in favor of seeing other parts of the show if it doesn't seem like it's worth the time and energy, but I have literally zero expectations for what this will be so I'll play it by ear.

In the coming days I'll write in here about what I spent time doing at the show that day. Never done a GDC before, so we'll see how this goes.

See ya tomorrow!

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